Montessori Parents Research Released
As Montessori educators, we have a unique offering to children, supporting their natural development. But we haven’t always been successful communicating our message to families and the non-Montessori world.
With that in mind, AMI recently sponsored a research initiative to better understand parents’ perceptions of Montessori and their wishes for the early learning years for their children. AMI engaged the Neimand Collaborative to direct the research, with supporting grants from the Trust for Learning and the James Walton Foundation.
Montessori organizations in the United States have set a goal to deliver a clear message about the value of a Montessori education, speaking with one voice. With that goal in mind, AMI, supported by the Montessori Leaders Collaborative, is sharing this work with ALL Montessorians so that more schools and programs can more clearly articulate what Montessori is and does.
Researchers interviewed nearly two thousand families from across the United States representing a range of races, cultures and economic areas. The results will not be surprising: Parents wish their children to develop into strong, capable and morally responsible individuals, who are lifelong learners and doers, through a partnership with teachers in achieving this goal. This desire aligns perfectly with Montessori principles and practice of providing a richly prepared environment so that children can develop a love of learning in a peaceful community, yet we have often not communicated this clearly.
Please click here to view a summary of these findings. All Montessorians are encouraged to use and share this research to promote greater access to Montessori for more children.
A collaboration among:
Association Montessori Internationale
Association Montessori International—USA
The Montessori Foundation and International Montessori Council
National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector
American Montessori Society
North American Montessori Teachers’ Association
Montessori Administrators Association
Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education
Montessori Public Policy Initiative
Montessori for Social Justice