General Information

Consultation is a part of the formal AMI Recognition process. It benefits schools by providing a standard of excellence and serves as a vehicle for continuing education for faculty and administrators. Consultation is pedagogical in nature; it safeguards and enhances compliance with AMI standards which contributes to the assurance provided to families about the authenticity of the education provided. The guiding directive for consultation is to provide support and assistance to the adults who work within the sphere of the child.

A consultation provides:

  • recognition as an AMI Recognized, Affiliated, or Associated program.
  • assistance to the teacher in implementing Montessori pedagogy.
  • assurance of a prepared environment suitable for the activity of a child of a particular age.
  • guidance to the administration/board in supporting the teachers.

AMI/USA School Consultants

Many of the consultants are AMI Trainers and others have practical experience in the classroom along with successfully completing the New Consultant Orientation Program. The program these individuals undergo is designed to verify that AMI Consultants possess a thorough knowledge of theory, practical experience with children, and an ability to communicate this theory and practice to others in a manner consistent with Montessori principles. Your assigned consultant’s profile will be forwarded when the visit is confirmed.

Consultation Policies

  • A consultation is required in the first year and at least every three years.
  • In some instances, a revisit is required to provide additional support for schools and teachers. A revisit is discussed in advance with the administrator and noted in the written reports.
  • New programs and those reapplying after a lapse in recognition must have a consultation prior to the finalization of the recognition process.
  • AMI/USA makes the final decision on the consultant assignments. Schools may indicate special needs, if any, but given that consultations are tied closely to AMI Recognition, to avoid a perceived conflict of interest, it is not appropriate for schools to select their consultant.
  • A consultation is scheduled to include no more than two classes per day or one all-day class with two trained teachers.
  • The same consultant will not be scheduled to visit a school more than two consecutive visits.
  • Consultations cannot be scheduled when there is a student teacher in the classroom.
  • Schools should notify AMI/USA if there are any changes to the application details or consultation request during the planning phase.

Consultation Process

The consultation process is divided into three phases: 

  • Before the visit—the school’s application, calendar, required fees and the request for consultation must be submitted. Then a confirmation letter will be provided for the school’s signature. Once the visit is confirmed, the survey forms are completed by each teacher and the administrator and sent to the consultant at least 2 weeks before the visit. 
  • On-site visit—includes classroom observation and individual conferences with the administrator and teachers.
  • Written reports—sent following the visit.

Please note the consultation may be rescheduled if the forms are not electronically sent to the consultant at least two weeks before the date of the visit.

Special Events

You may want to have your consultant share their experience and knowledge while they are available to the school by scheduling additional special events. All special events carry an additional fee, therefore it is important that there is clarity between the consultant and the school when making these arrangements. See Consultation Fee Information below for more details on fees.

Special events can take the form of:

  • Evening presentation to families on topics that may be suggested by the school
  • Teacher workshop or staff meeting

Special events must be arranged and confirmed in advance, you may schedule a special event on the request for consultation form. Special events are often scheduled on another day than the consultation and may require an additional night’s lodging.


All-day classes: An all-day class is one that offers extended hours, both in the morning and late afternoon, during which the children remain in their Montessori environment, working under the guidance of two overlapping AMI trained teachers. Consultations for all-day classes consist of a full-day visit per classroom including individual conferences with each teacher and a joint meeting with both teachers.

Consultation schedule: Consultants will observe the morning work cycle and only the initial portion of an afternoon class, then begin the teacher conferences mid-afternoon. Schools need to make sure there is an adult available to take the place of the classroom teacher to allow for this schedule.

Extended day: It is recommended that all three and four year old children who remain at school throughout the afternoon be included in the afternoon work period when they are not napping.

Scheduling Procedures

Programs due for consultations and revisits are identified by AMI/USA each summer. Details regarding the Application for AMI Recognition Status including the Request for Consultation are sent to schools. New and rejoining programs should contact the AMI/USA office to be added to the mailing list and if there are any questions. Once the application for recognition with a request for consultation and payment of fees are received, the scheduling of the consultation will begin.

It is important to complete the forms with accurate information for the coming year. Please note the number of classes is very important. If you are requesting any special events such as a parent talk or staff workshop, that should be included on this form also.

Contact continues throughout the summer and fall to schedule visits as consultants determine their availability. The following are taken into consideration when developing the overall schedule:

  • availability of consultants
  • size of the school and number of classes
  • individual and special needs of all schools
  • geographic location

It is important to note that scheduling is a complex process and we strive to determine a suitable match for each school. Most consultants are qualified to consult at one level (Assistants to Infancy, Primary, or Elementary), therefore schools may have two or even three different consultants scheduled. AMI/USA schedules more than 100 visits each year. We appreciate your flexibility and cooperation throughout this process.

Preliminary agreement of the dates and consultant will be followed by written confirmation, which includes the consultant profile and contact information. At this point, the consultation is also confirmed in writing with the consultant. It is very important to be aware that confirmation is a firm commitment.

Survey Forms

AMI/USA will provide survey forms electronically for each teacher and the administrator. These forms offer an opportunity for teachers to reflect on their classrooms and provide valuable information for the consultant. Please note the consultation may be rescheduled if the forms are not electronically sent to the consultant at least two weeks before the date of the visit.

On-Site Visit

The on-site visit includes an overall environmental observation, individual classroom observations, and individual conferences with each classroom teacher and the administrator. The daily observation and teacher conference schedule are planned with the consultant in advance.

Consultants visiting levels with non-AMI trained teachers will observe in these classes and give general comments. Since AMI consultants are not in a position to critique non-AMI training, a full report without requirements will be submitted to the school and teacher.

Written Reports

The level report and individual teacher reports documenting the consultant’s visit, including observations, recommendations, and noted requirements, are sent to the school administrator within approximately four weeks of the visit. Copies are permanently filed in the AMI/USA office. AMI/USA recommends that the pertinent comments in the level report be shared with the teachers. Schools will be contacted if the status changes as a result of the consultation visit. 


Because the consultant is traveling to your city and is usually unfamiliar with the location, it is important to make the transition an easy one so that they may relax and concentrate on their responsibilities to your school. Attention to details such as airport pickup and comfortable, quiet lodging including a restaurant and internet access must be considered when planning the consultation.

In all instances, hotel accommodations are required to ensure the solitude necessary for the consultant to work and concentrate. This is a consultation policy and must be respected. It is the school’s responsibility to make and pay for hotel arrangements in advance of the visit. In addition, if a consultant deems the lodging to be below the requested standard, then the school will be responsible for the costs associated with moving the consultant to a more appropriate location.

Refreshments and meals during the consultant’s visit also need to be provided. Make sure to be aware of and honor any special dietary requests.

Administrators Checklist

At Least Two Weeks Prior to the Visit

  • Consultant contacts you with specific travel information, dates needed for lodging, and dietary considerations. Make sure the consultant is aware of any special event requests such as a parent talk or staff meeting.
  • Discuss and plan the schedule for the visit.
  • Arrange and pay for local transportation, hotel accommodations, and meals. You will be informed if the consultant is visiting more than one school in your area. It is important to coordinate lodging and transportation arrangements with the other schools.
  • Ensure that the survey forms have been emailed to the consultant two weeks in advance of the visit, allowing sufficient time for thorough consultant preparation.

On-Site During the Consultation

  • Give a hard copy of the completed survey forms and daily observation/conference schedule to the consultant immediately upon their arrival.
  • The sealed envelope containing the teacher confidential form should be handed to the consultant on-site by the teacher, if not already sent directly to the consultant by the teacher in advance.
  • Provide all necessary transportation for the consultant and discuss all meal arrangements. Provide refreshments and meals for the duration of the consultation visit.
  • Facilitate all observations and conference times.

Following the Consultation

  • Receive copies of all reports sent from AMI/USA. Distribute the teachers’ copies.
  • Complete evaluation forms within two weeks.

2024-25 Consultation Fee Information

One-day consultation/one class $945
One-day consultation/two classes $1,155
One-day consultation/one all-day class with 2 overlapping teachers $1,260
Two-day consultation/three classes $1,850
Two-day consultation/four classes $2,055
Three-day consultation/five classes $2,777
Three-day consultation/six classes $2,981
Each additional day $1,050
Special Events (optional)
Parent/Community Talk (up to 2 hours) $460
Teacher Workshop/Staff Meeting $230 per hour
Follow-Up 1-Hour Remote Coaching Sessions $110 per session

The consultation fees shown on the chart above include observation of both morning and afternoon sessions, conferences with individual teachers and school administration, written reports, and administrative costs of the program.

Travel and Other Expenses – Responsibility of the School:

  • Local transportation – includes all transportation needed during the visit including transportation to and from the airport
  • Food – includes meals en route
  • Prepaid accommodations

Optional Add-Ons – How to Get More Time with your Consultant:

In response to our member schools who have requested more time with our consultants, we offer the
following optional add-ons:

  • You can request a one-day consultation for each of your teachers, instead of a one-day consultation for two teachers. Please select your desired quantity after “One-day consultation/one class” in the payment section.
  • You can arrange for follow-up remote coaching with your consultant after the consultation visit through the AMI/USA Coaching program. Make sure to click the box and choose the desired quantity under Consultation Fees/Follow-Up 1-Hour Remote Coaching.

Additional Policies

  • If an additional night lodging is required due to consultant travel arrangements, all schools involved in that trip will be responsible for an equal portion of that charge.
  • AMI/USA pays for the expense of a Saturday night stay, should that be necessary, but all other nights are the responsibility of the school. Please be advised that the consultant may need to schedule the return flight on the day following the visit.
  • Any changes to travel plans made at the request of the school after a visit is confirmed may result in increased charges to the school, i.e., for airfare cancellation, change penalties, or lodging expenses.

Thank you for your interest in the Consultation program!

Contact AMI/USA if you have any questions!