Administrators play a vital role in the effectiveness and vitality of a Montessori program. It is the administrator or head of school who must lead faculty, parents, children and community members to a common understanding: a comprehensive vision of the program’s purpose and mission for children and the larger community.
AMI/USA supports administrators in their efforts with the Administrator’s Workshop held annually in February at the AMI/USA Montessori Experience: Refresher Courses & More! in addition to Regional Conferences, Webinars and On-Demand content. Click here to learn more about our professional development opportunities.
AMI/USA’s Montessori Administrators Discussion Forum is provided to support conversation and the sharing of resources between Administrators. Visit the forum! Or request access to the forum.
When the spread of COVID-19 impacted our communities, AMI/USA created resources to ensure that everyone was supported during this unique crisis. Go to the AMI/USA COVID-19 resources page.
This page will be updated frequently, so be sure to check back soon for more resources.