AMI Training Center Locator

Did you know? AMI/USA’s Training Center Locator Map includes AMI Training Centers in the United States. Click here to check out it out!

Montessori education supports the development of the whole child, and is an educational approach which is taught in more than 140 countries across the world. If you are interested in child development and teaching as a career, then Montessori can offer opportunities to work with children from infancy to adolescence.

The Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) offers teaching diploma courses which are respected worldwide.

Why AMI Training?

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Training FAQs

Trainees earn their diploma  through successful completion of an intensive training program conducted by an AMI trainer. The comprehensive training includes educational theory and child developmental psychology, classroom observation, practice teaching, and material preparation. All AMI training courses must meet rigorous standards both in content and teaching staff.

Click here: AMI Training Center Locator