Building Partnerships in Support of the Child, Teacher, and Parents

AMI/USA is excited to announce that registration for the first AMI Affiliate Conference in the United States is now open!  As a reminder, AMI/USA, EAA, MAA and NAMTA have committed to three joint professional development conferences throughout 2018 and 2019.  The first conference will be held in Baltimore, Maryland in October of 2018.  Please, see the attached brochure for more information and click on the registration link to register for this event.  Click here for information about the November conference in Dallas, Texas and stay tuned for information about the April 2019 conference in Seattle.

Click here to register for Building Partnerships in Support of the Child, Teacher and Parents.

Click here to view the conference brochure.

Reserve your room at the Sheraton Columbia Town Center by September 18, 2018 to receive the special NAMTA rate of $126 (lodge) or $144 (tower). Call 1-888-627-8318 and state that you are reserving under the NAMTA room block.