AMI/USA is a country affiliate of Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) that focuses on supporting the needs of schools and members in the US. Joining AMI/USA as an individual member brings a range of relevant benefits, including membership of AMI and entitlement to the range of benefits it offers. Membership of AMI is available separately but does not provide access to AMI/USA benefits.
AMI/USA Member Benefits:
- AMI/USA News, an e-newsletter published monthly providing updates on our community.
- AMI/USA Journal, an electronic journal published twice a year which includes a letter from the executive director, a feature article, community spotlights, and job opportunities.
- Access to AMI/USA Discussion Forums.
- Discounted rate for most professional development offerings including regional workshops, webinars, and The Montessori Experience: Refresher Courses and More!
- 10% discount on all purchases from the AMI/USA bookstore.
- 15% discount on Nienhuis Montessori materials.
- Discounted rates on job postings via our website and newsletter.
- Grant opportunities through Sanford Jones Fund for the Arts.
- Individual Professional Liability insurance plans for educators and student educators, offered to individual AMI/USA members (not schools) in the U.S. at group discount rates through Forrest T. Jones.
AMI/USA does not sell or share your information with any other organizations with the exception of Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) as your member benefit includes membership of AMI and Forrest T. Jones (FTJ). From time to time we circulate information about or from other organizations if we believe it is of interest or benefit to our members.
AMI/USA Membership Rates
- One Year: $99 per individual
- Memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable