Call for Success Stories in Family Engagement

Share Your COVID-19 Success Story at The 2021 Virtual Montessori Experience (February 12-15)
We want to celebrate you and all of the amazing things happening in your school community! We know this year has been a challenge mainly because of this pandemic but your ability to adapt has been inspirational and there is much to learn from your experience. Take a moment to reflect on all that you have accomplished.
Family engagement and support has taken on a whole new meaning in 2020 and we want to showcase the unique way that your school community has overcome some of these pandemic challenges during The 2021 Virtual Montessori Experience.
If you are willing to share your story, please submit a short video (no longer than 2 minutes). You can answer any of the following questions or simply tell your story of family engagement during the course of the pandemic.
- How has the pandemic impacted your relationship with families?
- How have you engaged with parents as educators of children?
- How have you made families feel more included in your school community?
- How have you reframed your parent education to parent partnership?
- How are you listening to your families and responding to their needs?
- How have you helped families expand Montessori into their homes?
- Do you have any vivid examples of successful family engagement?
Click here for a quick guide on making and sending in your submission!
Click here to complete the submission form!
Submissions are due by Friday, January 15, 2021
Please contact Samantha Levine, AMI/USA Director of Events, with any questions!