2024 Montessori Experience Call For Presentations Proposals
In preparation for the 2024 Montessori Experience: Refresher Courses and More! in Dallas/Addison Texas, February 16 – 19, 2024, we are receiving presentation proposals for consideration.
Workshops will be held Friday, February 16 and Monday, February 20.
The theme “Educating for Peace” is inspired by Dr. Maria Montessori’s book Education and Peace.
Submissions should be emailed to AMI/USA Events Director and should include:
- A brief bio of the presenter(s) (min 75 words – 100 words max) and a recent photo to be used on our website (png or jpeg file)
- A brief workshop presentation proposal (750-1000 words) and length of the workshop (generally 90 minutes)
- Any requirements or accessibility needs from AMI/USA
- Contact Information (email, phone number)
- The event will be in-person but may be taped and offered at cost to AMI/USA Members for 1 year. Please let us know if a video of your presentation can be shared at a later date.
Submissions will be reviewed and considered on a first come, first served basis, until all time slots are filled. Please keep our commitment to equity and inclusion in mind when developing your proposal.