Parenting for a New World


The Parental Supplements provide practical information for parents to more fully understand the theory behind a Montessori education. This selection of the most requested supplements is a great way to start – or add to – a Montessori library.

Titles included in the set are:

  1. The Greatest Love: Separation and Letting Go
  2. The Power of Conscious Parenting: Interconnecting Home & School
  3. Freedom and Responsibility Part 1
  4. Freedom and Responsibility Part 2
  5. Raising Generous Children
  6. The Art of Observation
  7. What is Montessori
  8. The Art of Montessori in the Home Part 1
  9. The Art of Montessori in the Home Part 2
  10. Cyberbullying: The New Bully on the Block
  11. The Technology Screen
  12. A Montessori Dictionary
  13. Summer Ideas for All Ages
  14. Creating a Culture of Community Service
  15. Failure Is a Better Teacher Than Success
  16. Neuropsychology and Montessori
  17. A Classroom Made of Dirt
  18. Practical Applications for Montessori in the Home
  19. Testing Mania

The Parental Supplements, featured in the quarterly newsletter, are now beautifully bound in this set of 19 pocket-sized books and matching collector’s box.

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