Building a Culture of Belonging for Adults
If teachers are to be fully present and effective, it is vital we feel safe in all respects in the environments in which we work. Features of a culture of belonging include recognizing and respecting the voices of colleagues that present with social and personal identities that may not be viewed as mainstream. Working in an environment that fully appreciates diversity offers a true sense of belonging. The brain is wired to identify threats to our sense of safety and belonging. This may manifest as fear and anxiety. This discussion outlines the three key components necessary for adults to have a strong sense of belonging: safety, vulnerability, and shared purpose.
Affirming the Humanity of All Teachers
Patrick Harris II, author of “The First Five: A Love Letter to Teachers”, shares his wisdom and love for the teaching profession. If you are approaching the end of your 1st, 3rd, 5th, or 20th year of teaching in the classroom, the ideas offered by Patrick bring to light the realities of teaching and affirm the humanity of all teachers. Patrick discusses the importance of exploring more deeply our true “why” for teaching and inspire us to dream big about what we want for ourselves, our students, our schools, and our educational system. His debut book, “The First Five: A Love Letter to Teachers” is available wherever you purchase books.
Navigating the Complex Emotional Territory of Education
Every day, teachers experience a wide range of emotions, from joy and love to sadness and anger. Yet, some emotions are not appropriate to show or to express in the classroom. Unfortunately, suppressing emotions has many costs, including increased levels of burnout. Dr. Sanden will focus on understanding our emotional reactions and on learning practical, day-to-day skills of emotional intelligence so that we can be more resilient, present, and authentic with ourselves and with the children.