AMI/USA is making significant strides in expanding its professional development offerings to provide comprehensive support to the Montessori community. This expansion is designed to cater to the needs of educators and parents who are seeking to further their knowledge and skills in the Montessori approach. As part of this initiative, we are in the process of creating a diverse series of professional development videos. These videos are accessible through a pay-per-view model, allowing individuals to access the content at their convenience. The topics covered in these videos span a wide range, aiming to provide valuable insights, practical strategies, and best practices for educators and parents within the Montessori community.

Check back often! We will continue to add to this library as we are able to develop more content.

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Contact AMI/USA if you have any questions about the recordings or pay-per-view terms.


Pay-Per-View Offerings

The 2024 Montessori Experience: Refresher Courses and More!

Montessori Materials – From the Past, to the Present, and into the Future

Presented by Chris Willemsen from Nienhuis Montessori, this engaging video shares intimate details regarding the development of Montessori materials, shows documents from the Nienhuis archives, and provides information regarding why certain details are included in the manufacture of Montessori materials. Nienhuis Montessori was founded in 1929 by Albert Nienhuis, who collaborated with Maria Montessori to create products which reflected her vision of education. Nienhuis Montessori’s product range enables children to discover the world independently and has been doing so for over 85 years. Patrick Oudejans, from Montessori Sports, also joins the presentation to share an overview of programming and recent developments.

Closing Keynote – Closing Town Hall

This video includes the closing session with inspiring reflections shared by Lynne Lawrence, Executive Director of AMI. Also included is A Journey of Inspiration and Self Mastery with Baba Ras D who is a beacon of inspiration and testament to the transformative power of self-discovery. One of his most remarkable contributions is the creation of The HARAMBEE Experience, an “Early Childhood Elevation Activity and Play Program.” Baba Ras D’s motto, “Pass the peace so the peace can increase!”, underscores his commitment to instilling values of harmony, unity, and growth in the hearts of countless children.

2023-24 AMI/USA Teacher Webinar Series

Building a Culture of Belonging for Adults

If teachers are to be fully present and effective, it is vital we feel safe in all respects in the environments in which we work. Features of a culture of belonging include recognizing and respecting the voices of colleagues that present with social and personal identities that may not be viewed as mainstream. Working in an environment that fully appreciates diversity offers a true sense of belonging. The brain is wired to identify threats to our sense of safety and belonging. This may manifest as fear and anxiety. This discussion outlines the three key components necessary for adults to have a strong sense of belonging: safety, vulnerability, and shared purpose.

Affirming the Humanity of All Teachers

Patrick Harris II, author of “The First Five: A Love Letter to Teachers”, shares his wisdom and love for the teaching profession. If you are approaching the end of your 1st, 3rd, 5th, or 20th year of teaching in the classroom, the ideas offered by Patrick bring to light the realities of teaching and affirm the humanity of all teachers. Patrick discusses the importance of exploring more deeply our true “why” for teaching and inspire us to dream big about what we want for ourselves, our students, our schools, and our educational system. His debut book, “The First Five: A Love Letter to Teachers” is available wherever you purchase books.

Navigating the Complex Emotional Territory of Education

Every day, teachers experience a wide range of emotions, from joy and love to sadness and anger. Yet, some emotions are not appropriate to show or to express in the classroom. Unfortunately, suppressing emotions has many costs, including increased levels of burnout. Dr. Sanden will focus on understanding our emotional reactions and on learning practical, day-to-day skills of emotional intelligence so that we can be more resilient, present, and authentic with ourselves and with the children.