Montessori From the Start: The Child at Home From Birth to Age Three
Paula Polk Lillard and Lynn Lillard Jessen have used Maria Montessori’s theories for raising infants to create a comprehensive home-based program for the first three years, incorporating the furnishings and tools Dr. Montessori created for babies: from the design of the bedroom to the child-sized kitchen table and chairs to diet and food preparation to clothing and movement. The authors provide guidance to parents for the establishment of a beautiful and serviceable environment that will aid in the development of focus and concentration. Taking into account the child’s “sensitive periods,” they introduce concept and activities for such skills as dressing, food preparation, and toilet training.
Soft cover, 260 pages. ISBN: 0-8052-11120-8
Paula Polk Lillard and Lynn Lillard Jessen. The authors provide parental guidance for the establishment of an environment to aid in the development of focus and concentration.
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