AMI/USA Annual Fund

Many members of the Montessori community donate to AMI/USA to support our broadly based work as the lead affiliate of AMI in the USA. We constantly seek to increase the services we provide to schools, members, families, and training centers as well as to increase the recognition and understanding of Montessori education. Donations made to AMI/USA provide more capacity for development of new and existing initiatives.
Click here to make your donation today!
Your gift to AMI/USA enriches the entire community by:
- Educating current and future AMI teachers, administrators and families.
- Empowering schools and training centers with a wide array of support services.
- Informing members and the general public on Montessori philosophy and news.
- Advocating for Montessori standards in local, state, and national arenas.
- Connecting with our AMI global community and other organizations in support of the child.