Breakthrough Montessori is hiring for the 24-25 school year!

Breakthrough Montessori PCS

Breakthrough Montessori is hiring for the 24-25 school year!

Available positions include but are not limited to:

Guides (Primary, Lower Elementary, and Upper Elementary)

Assistant Principal (Elementary)

Montessori Assistants

Dedicated Aides

SPED Teacher

Breakthrough Montessori is a public charter school in Washington, DC serving children ages 3 to 13. Our mission is to enable children to develop within themselves the power to shape their lives and the world around them. At Breakthrough, we believe in the unbounded potential of all children. Students of all races, classes, genders, sexual orientations, abilities and backgrounds deserve a personalized education.

Our school is grounded by an institutional commitment to development, prevention and community. We support human development through an uncompromising application of the time-tested Montessori instructional model. We support prevention through our commitment to early learning, support and intervention that enables us to address learning challenges quickly and effectively. Finally, we support community through an intensive approach to family engagement that fosters support, connection and life-long learning.

Some of the great benefits offered at Breakthrough include but not limited to:

Paid COVID sick leave

Paid family leave (in addition to DC paid family leave)

Paid bereavement leave (80 hours)

Paid leave for the observation of a religious holiday  (16 hours)

Breakthrough invests heavily in the professional development (PD) of our faculty through:

A weekly early release schedule with professional development and collaborative planning time from 1:30-4:30 pm every Monday;

An individual professional development budget of $250/year to pursue additional PD opportunities;

Conference participation and

A Continuing Education grant program that provides grantees up to $20,000 to complete Montessori teacher training, an advanced degree or other license.

To apply and see a complete list of positions, go to