7th/8th Grade Erdkinder Science/Math/ELA Guide
Elm City Montessori School
It’s an exciting time to take on this new work. We’re graduating our first 8th graders, our charter was just renewed for another four years, we’re building out our second floor to be a premier space for our oldest students, and we’re continuing the ongoing work of partnering with New Haven Public Schools to strengthen anti-bias and anti-racism practices across the city (Children’s March coming soon, see press from previous years here: elmcitymontessori.org/in-the-news/). Our ELA/humanities teacher role is central to our middle school program, not only to teach the core curriculum, to help children engage in literature and our city, and also to strengthen our microeconomy/farm program (note: we have chickens, we hike in West Rock Park). The role is an NHPS union position, and because of our flexibility agreement, the salary is also 10% on top of the regular union scale (hours are 8:00AM-3:45PM). Full job description: http://elmcitymontessori.org/jobs/